»Every story makes a promise to the reader. Actually, two promises, one emotional and one intellectual, since the function of stories is to make us both feel and think.«
»Schreibt wie der Teufel. Schreibt wie verrückt. Schreibt euch die Finger wund. Vertraut dem erregenden Gefühl, das ihr verspürt, wenn die Idee gut und der Stil hervorragend ist. Ihr könnt es, aber das bedeutet Glück und Unglück zugleich.
»Writing a novel is a tiny candle in a dark, swirling world. It brings light and warmth and hope to the lucky few who, against insufferable odds and despite a juggernaut of irritations, find themselves in the right place to hold it.«
»Writing may or may not be your salvation; it might or might not be your destiny. But that does not matter. What matters right now are the words, one after another. Find the next word. Write it down. Repeat.«